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Lakera Guard
The fastest and easiest way to protect your LLM-powered applications. Safeguard against prompt injection attacks, hallucinations, data leakage, toxic language, and more with Lakera Guard API. Built by devs, for devs. Integrate it with a few lines of code.
What is Lakera Guard?
The fastest and easiest way to protect your LLM-powered applications. Safeguard against prompt injection attacks, hallucinations, data leakage, toxic language, and more with Lakera Guard API. Built by devs, for devs. Integrate it with a few lines of code.
How to use Lakera Guard?
Integrate Lakera Guard into your LLM-powered applications by adding a few lines of code. It provides protection against prompt injection attacks, data leakage, toxic language, and more.
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Lakera Guard
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