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Metabob is a generative AI tool that uses a combination of graph-attention networks and generative AI to automate and improve code reviews. It helps detect and fix coding problems created by humans and AI, improving software security and developer productivity.
What is Metabob?
Metabob is a generative AI tool that uses a combination of graph-attention networks and generative AI to automate and improve code reviews. It helps detect and fix coding problems created by humans and AI, improving software security and developer productivity.
How to use Metabob?
To use Metabob, you can get started by installing the VS Code extension or integrating it with your GitHub, BitBucket, or GitLab repositories. Once integrated, Metabob utilizes its proprietary graph neural networks to detect problematic code, which is then passed to a large language model (LLM) to generate context-sensitive explanations and resolutions. Metabob can be used for static code analysis, debugging code, code review facilitation, and code optimization.
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