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Origin is an AI Detector built by the GPTZero team with the mission of preserving an internet for authentic human content.
What is Origin?
Origin is an AI Detector built by the GPTZero team with the mission of preserving an internet for authentic human content.
How to use Origin?
To use Origin, simply input any piece of information and it will provide you with the source of that information.
Same type tools recommendation
Transform AI-generated text with a human touch for enhanced quality and authenticity.
AI detector bypassing tool for undetectable content.
ZeroGPT is a powerful accurate AI tool for detecting chatGPT content OpenAI-generated text and plagiarism.
AI Secured
Secure AI/ML models with automated security testing and threat detection.
Detect GPT
Identify AI-generated content on webpages.
WriteHuman: Undetectable AI and AI Humanizer
Undetectable AI that bypasses AI detection and tracking.