GoodListen is a podcast platform powered by AI that allows users to search, listen to, discover, and share podcast clips and episodes. With its advanced AI search, users can find exactly what they're looking for in podcasts.
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What is GoodListen?
GoodListen is a podcast platform powered by AI that allows users to search, listen to, discover, and share podcast clips and episodes. With its advanced AI search, users can find exactly what they're looking for in podcasts.
How to use GoodListen?
1. Search: Type in keywords or phrases related to the desired podcast topic or category using the AI-powered search bar.2. Listen: Click on the search results to access podcast episodes or clips. Play and pause the audio as desired.3. Discover: Browse the trending categories to find popular podcasts recommended by the AI algorithms.4. Share: Easily share podcast episodes or clips with others through various platforms.