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Kailua Labs
Kailua Labs is a team of machine learning practitioners developing a low-code platform for building Multisearch apps. They enable developers to create search functionality that can work with various types of data, such as text, images, video, audio, and more. Users can search using natural language or combinations of data. The goal is to make content in every application accessible in a way that aligns with how people think and talk about it.
What is Kailua Labs?
Kailua Labs is a team of machine learning practitioners developing a low-code platform for building Multisearch apps. They enable developers to create search functionality that can work with various types of data, such as text, images, video, audio, and more. Users can search using natural language or combinations of data. The goal is to make content in every application accessible in a way that aligns with how people think and talk about it.
How to use Kailua Labs?
To use the Kailua Labs platform, developers can sign up for the waitlist on the website. Once the platform is launched, they can leverage the low-code capabilities to build their own Multisearch apps. The platform supports different types of data, allowing users to search using natural language or a combination of data. Developers can integrate the platform's API into their applications to provide enhanced search functionality.

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