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Coronarography.AI is a non-invasive predictive AI coronary angiography application that utilizes artificial intelligence technologies to determine the pathology of the coronary arteries. By uploading an ECG image and selecting risk factors, the AI can predict the presence of myocardial ischemia, a cardiac pathology based on the main arteries of the heart.
What is Coronarography.AI?
Coronarography.AI is a non-invasive predictive AI coronary angiography application that utilizes artificial intelligence technologies to determine the pathology of the coronary arteries. By uploading an ECG image and selecting risk factors, the AI can predict the presence of myocardial ischemia, a cardiac pathology based on the main arteries of the heart.
How to use Coronarography.AI?
To use Coronarography.AI, simply upload an ECG image in JPEG or PNG format and select relevant risk factors. The AI system, trained with deep neural networks, will analyze the image and provide immediate results indicating the presence or absence of coronary artery pathology and the likelihood of revascularization. The user can dynamically track the results and explore different scenarios such as changes in risk factors or the development of specific health conditions.
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AI-based Coronarography accurately predicts coronary artery pathology using non-invasive ECG images.