Landing AI is a computer vision platform and AI software company that offers a cloud-based computer vision software platform called LandingLens. It allows users to create custom computer vision projects in minutes via natural prompting interactions, making it fast, easy, and intuitive to build computer vision systems.
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What is
Landing AI is a computer vision platform and AI software company that offers a cloud-based computer vision software platform called LandingLens. It allows users to create custom computer vision projects in minutes via natural prompting interactions, making it fast, easy, and intuitive to build computer vision systems.
How to use
To use LandingLens, users can upload images by dragging and dropping them directly into the platform or capturing live images from their webcam. They can label objects in the images using the LandingLens labeling tool, which helps create high-quality training data for maximum accuracy. After labeling, users can train their model and evaluate its performance. Once the model is accurate enough, it can be deployed to the cloud or edge devices with just a few mouse clicks. Users can monitor the model's performance and update it as needed.