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ZeroGPT is an advanced and reliable chat GPT, GPT4, and AI text detector tool. It provides a simple way to detect chatGPT content with high accuracy. ZeroGPT is also capable of detecting OpenAI-generated text and serving as an AI essay detector for teachers. Additionally, it can be used as a plagiarism detector for AI-generated text.
What is ZeroGPT?
ZeroGPT is an advanced and reliable chat GPT, GPT4, and AI text detector tool. It provides a simple way to detect chatGPT content with high accuracy. ZeroGPT is also capable of detecting OpenAI-generated text and serving as an AI essay detector for teachers. Additionally, it can be used as a plagiarism detector for AI-generated text.
How to use ZeroGPT?
Using ZeroGPT is straightforward. Simply upload your text file or manually enter the text in the provided input box. The maximum character limit for detection is 15,000 (or up to 100,000 in the premium version). Once the text is uploaded or entered, click on the 'Detect Text' button to initiate the detection process. ZeroGPT will then analyze the content and provide you with the results, highlighting every sentence generated by AI and displaying the percentage of AI usage. The tool also allows for batch file upload, enabling you to check multiple files simultaneously.
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